About Candidate
My vocation is to help build a world in which anyone, regardless of their starting place, can rise to a fulfilling and materially satisfying life. I seek to do this through social entrepreneurship, seeking to create sustainable models to leverage the mechanisms of markets to carve new pathways to economic mobility. (I also recognize these may be two of the most overly-earnest sentences ever written.)
More specifically, I worked as a (semi self-loathing) consultant for 6 years. First, I did this in the private sector working with a mix of traditional tech/telco firms on corporate strategy and governments on economic development. Next, I did this in the social sector, working with a mix of nonprofits, philanthropists, and impact investors on workforce and economic mobility projects. Highlights of this work include building an AI-enabled platform for Fortune 500 skill based hiring, designing one of the US’s first UBI pilots, and helping an innovative new individual US donor begin to give billions internationally. More recently, I worked for a summer as a Chief of Staff in Africa’s largest slum (Kibera) and in venture capital focused on early-stage tech investments and incubations.
Now, I am completing my joint business (MBA) and policy (MPA) degrees at Stanford GSB and Harvard Kennedy School. After school I seek to build and invest in models to support economic mobility, with a particular interest in building the “musculature” supporting non-four year college routes.